UNAS1 garantee any confidential personal information related to yourself once provided to us through this web side according to the Spanish Protection Law 15/1999 of 13th of December wich purpose is to process fiscality, accountancy and administrative matters as well as contract relationiships and mariagement of our comercial information regarding to our products and services.
Personal data will betrected confidentially according to Protection Data Law 1720/2007 of 21th of December taking security and safety actions to avoid any change , loss treatment or no authorisction from third parties who may use it dishonestly.
Finally, the customer (will be able to use) or will be entitled to any rejection, acces, alteration or cancelation of the purchase with regards to the Law 15/1999 quoted above or letting us know or asking about any personal comment or query sending to us an email to our personal address: [email protected]
The user accepts that all their personal data are fully transferred to Aplazame from the moment
the user has started contracting the deferred payment service offered by the latter at the time
of choosing the payment method.
This acceptance is extended to third parties that had to access the files for the successful
conclusion of the contract.
Commercial remarks
To any commercia communication made to us through your e-mail adress or other equivalent source in accordance/compliance with the Law 34/3 2002 of 11th of June rules ( Society Information Services and Electronic Commerce) it will be utterly necessary the user's consent in case to obtain any relevant data / information.
If you are totally disagree with our commercial policy, there is the option to tick on the form the all ad hoc once you are asked for your personal information.
On the other hand , if you want to revoke that consent to receive through your e-amil any information regarding to any type of promotion or offers, you will be able to do it through our personal information form on or sending a text at [email protected] highlighting clearly I don't wish to receiving commercial e-mails